What is a “Jaguar Buck”? It is a CLASS behavior certificate incentive to promote positive class behavior for a safe and nurturing learning environment.
What kind of appropriate behaviors can earn my class a Jaguar Buck?
-being quiet in the hallways
-using low voices in lunchroom
-waiting in line quietly
-keeping a clean classroom
-working hard to complete class assignments
-sitting quietly during afternoon dismissal
-listening to the teacher
-coming to school on time
-following playground rules
-keeping hands and feet off others
Who will give out Jaguar Bucks? Jaguar Bucks are given when a staff member observes a class as a whole following school rules and procedures. Teachers cannot give Jaguar Bucks to their own students.
What do the teachers need to do? Keep up with the Jaguar Bucks your students bring in, display the bucks in your classroom, and post the number of bucks outside your classroom.
How does the competition work? The classes who earn the most bucks that month (one from PK-2 and one from 3-5) will be recognized on the announcements and earn free ice cream. Compliments of Principal McCloud.