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February Break

Smoke Rise Elementary

Dekalb County Schools



Smoke Rise Elementary School program directly supports student growth and achievement by implementing programs that are structured to meet all of our students’ goals and needs. We use the Georgia Standards of Excellence as the guide for our planning using the DeKalb County School District curriculum, and we implement resources and activities from a range of sources.

Students learn the required state standards for each subject area using DeKalb County School District’s curriculum. Core subject areas include ELA/Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Health/PE, and STEM.

The state of Georgia requires the assessment of all students enrolled in its K–12 public schools to monitor students’ progress towards mastering the state curriculum. Students participate in state, district, and local assessments for their grade level during the school year. Some assessments include the Georgia Milestones EOG (3rd-5th), Georgia Alternate Assessment (1-5th), ACCESS for ELs (K-5 English Learners), NWEA MAP MAP (K-5), Star Assessments (K-5), district benchmarks, common assessments, and classroom assessments. Parents are informed of assessment results and data is used to improve teaching and learning.